Thursday, December 9, 2010

Advice Needed...

In my previous post 'Single Blues',i mentioned how it was hard to find a girl who's intelligent,creative and has a good sense of humour someone like Tina Fey.
You guys would be glad to know that finally i met a girl with all those qualities,well not as creative as Tina Fey but sure close.
So i thought to myself,there's no way you can date this girl,she's good for you...but then i thought(i know i think a lot),finally you meet a girl who's fits your criteria so why not harm in trying!
See,this is confusing and since i haven't been involved in the dating game in a long time,i really don't know what to do.
If i do ask her out,two possible outcomes
1)Happy Ending
She accepts the proposal and we date happily ever after.

2)Not so Happy Ending
She rejects my proposal,humiliates me in front of her friends and ruins my hard earned reputation

You see there are serious risks here..what scares me is i am having sleepless nights,its either insomnia or if Hindi movies are anything to go by.its LOVE
and if i don't ask her out,i may remain single forever

So i did what every intelligent guy would do,look for advice and when it comes to giving advice English romantic comedies are the best bet,they all have the same story,different characters and if you watch too much of them sometimes you may relate to them..but that dint help at here i am back to square one,looking for advice from you tell me what to do coz when it comes giving love advices everyone is a self proclaimed LOVE GURU...or at least suggest some good romantic movies..

i know this surely sounds like some romantic comedy movie but trust me it isn't,although i do provide the comic relief,it really isn't..

PS : I know this sounds too desperate.


  1. lol it doesnt come across as that desperate. relax.

    im not that good with movies. apologies.

    since Vday is coming up, check out this movie called Valentine's Day. umm..came out last year. just make sure she hasn't watched it yet.

    good luck?

  2. well,have tried watching a lot of movies,since u are the first to post an advice will sure watch it...but really it doesnt sound desperate ?

  3. it does sound confused but not desperate as we girls too deliberate a lot.. LOT when asked out by a guy. If you are looking for a romantic date(which of course you are) try to sound casual about it and suggest a not-so-romantic hangout place.Rest is up to you & your 'charms'. But don't fake it too much, be honest & be yourself..
    all the best!


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